Biography of Jason Kwong | 鄺律銘個人簡介


Jason Kwong, born on March 22, 2003, in Hong Kong, is an emerging artist who began his creative journey as a way to express his sense of belonging to Hong Kong. He is currently a Bachelor of Fine Arts student at the Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, where he addresses the impact of complex global social issues through minimalist and abstract art.

Jason Kwong's art is guided by his deep connection to Hong Kong, reflecting on his profound feelings for his homeland while using his creations to seek inner peace. He believes that today's political and social issues are overly complex, so he creates art with simple characteristics to express his idealism and worldview. His works create tension by manifesting the conflict between the desire to escape from reality and a longing for the world. He engages in self-dialogue through the gaps between reality and the abstract dimension, generating clues about the position of the soul, which is then reflected in the abstractness of his works.

While studying at university, Jason Kwong actively collaborates with other artists, participates in various group exhibitions, and connects with art enthusiasts from different fields. His research delves into the aesthetics of simple geometry, revealing his emotions and creating tension through his creations. Through his art, Jason Kwong seeks to create moments of "nothingness," allowing the audience to reach the state of mind he experienced while creating his works.





鄺律銘的藝術受其對香港人的歸屬感所引導,思索與家鄉的深厚情感,並同時藉着創作尋找可以使他內心平靜的反思結果。他認為當今世界的政治和社會議題過於複雜,因此他創作具有簡單特徵的藝術作品,以表達他的理想主義和對世界的看法。他的作品通過製造從現實中逃離的意圖和對世界的留戀兩者之間的矛盾來創造張力。利用來回往返現實與抽象次元之間的空隙進行自我對話,以產生一個又一個推斷靈魂所處方位的線索, 並根據方位變化體現在作品的抽象度。
